Dutch Composer’s Day!

June 18, 2022

Saturday June 18, 2022, New Music NOW organizes the first Dutch Composer’s Day, with the theme for this year “Long live the Composer! A celebration of new music”. Music from Dutch composers can be heard throughout the entire Netherlands: not only in concert halls and theaters, but also from clock towers, on the street and in living rooms.

TivoliVredenburg in Utrecht, the Netherlands, hosts talk shows and concerts this day. Dutch TV Media partners NTR and VPRO are reporting live and New Music NOW is streaming all day long. Reporters from all over the country report on this Dutch Composer’s Day. 

The party of music 

During Dutch Composer’s Day, live programs by composers, musicians, music lovers, stages, ensembles and the music industry take place throughout the entire country – from intimate living room concerts to greater music events. Dutch Composer’s Day celebrates the vitality and diversity of Dutch new music in all its facets. Various cities, venues, festivals and ensembles from all over the country participate in this celebration. Each organization presents a festive program in its own city or region, with more than 100 concerts on 1 day, with music by more than 100 Dutch composers.


Roel Weerdenburg - PanOptical


Selma Mutal - Working Internationally