Filmmuseum EYE and BUMA Music in Motion become partners

EYE Filmmuseum and Buma Music in Motion (BMiM) will be partners from 1 January this year. Together and full of enthusiasm they will strengthen the position of music within EYE and the film world.

Buma Music in Motion is the platform within the creative industry where music and media come together. With EYE, Buma Music in Motion now has a house in Amsterdam, the home city of many festivals and musicians. BMiM supports the Badlands program for new talent. During the Badlands evenings, up-and-coming Dutch film talent (including directors, screenwriters, composers) is given plenty of opportunity to present themselves with debut films, conversations and choice films by makers that inspire them.


Huba de Graaff - Here I am / A Lonely Woman


Manglemoose - making of Prominent