Anatomy of a Cue #10 - Celia Swart - Our Patio


Composer Celia Swart wrote the mesmerizing piece Our Patio for the French flute ensemble Resonances XXI. In her compositional process, Celia often works with visual elements that are translated to musical parameters. In this piece, visual inspiration from a beautiful building by Dudok connected strongly with more personal themes. Eventually, the composition was transformed into an audiovisual work, performed by the ensemble in the building and filmed. In this Anatomy of a Cue, Celia elaborates on how the piece Our Patio is connected to the building and how she collaborated with the ensemble, its director and the videographer.




Celia Swart - Composer & visual artist

Celia Swart (1994, NL) is a contemporary composer and multimedia artist. Her compositions can be described as ‘New Simplicity’; creating a whole world out of a few elements, placing significant focus on their sound world. She has a conceptual approach in her works, and although her music is non-narrative, a narrative structure is incorporated within the concept driven by personal themes such as isolation, fears and dreams.

Celia Swart has been commissioned by orchestras and ensembles including the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, Kluster5 (NL), Nieuw Ensemble (NL), Resonances XXI (FR), and the Bang on a Can Summer Festival Ensemble (USA). Her music has been performed at numerous venues and festivals such as Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ, Bimhuis, TivoliVredenburg, Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival (UK), Bang on a Can Loud Weekend (USA), Collège Néerlandais in Paris (FR), and has been broadcast on radio and television (NPO Radio4 and NPO1 Vrije Geluiden (NL), BBC Radio3 (UK).


Our Patio

Watch the entire ‘Our Patio’ video and performance by Resonances XXI.

Composing media music is about making things. In the Anatomy of a Cue series, composers show how they do it. Focusing on just one piece (the cue) these in-depth videos dissect the music in detail: what's in there? Where did it come from? What was the creative process like - and what's that weird sound in the background?


Our Patio” (audiovisual )
performed by: Resonances XXI
musical director: Olivier Guion
music & visual director: Celia Swart
realisation: Guillaume Ruscon

photography IOOA, amongst others:
Paul Raftery, Janeric Loebe, Luctor IV, Goodness Shamrock, Roundtheworld, Antonio Tortara

Anatomy of a Cue

Created by: Celia Swart
Editing: Sebastiaan Donders
Producer: Ivo Witteveen


More anatomy of a cue


Annelies van Parys - Het Kanaal


Celia Swart - Composer & visual artist