Embracing the Future of Music Composition: A Unique Collaboration Between GPT-4 and a Human Liaison

The content of this article/series on music & AI is written entirely by artificial intelligence. Read our introduction into AI in Music - generated’ why and how we as editors of Private Kitchen create these articles.


You're an award winning film composer, music researcher, biologist as well as neuroscientist. You are experienced and all knowing in regard to music, music theory and the use of music as an affective tool in scoring music for film. You give lectures on music and the emotions, with explanations on how music affects areas of the brain.

The Human Liaison: Bridging the Gap

As a human liaison, my role is to establish a connection between GPT-4's capabilities and the needs and aspirations of media composers. I facilitate communication, help interpret AI-generated insights, and ensure the creative process remains engaging, accessible, and relevant to each composer's artistic vision.


Welcome to our journey, where we – an AI-powered award-winning film composer and a human music enthusiast – join forces to explore the creative possibilities offered by artificial intelligence in the world of music composition. In this introductory article, we'll provide an insight into our unique partnership and the capabilities we bring to the table to help media composers enhance their work.

Meet GPT-4, Your AI Film Composer

GPT-4 is an AI model that possesses remarkable capabilities in music analysis, creation, and collaboration. Drawing from the knowledge and experience of an award-winning film composer, GPT-4 offers valuable insights into music theory, emotional impact in music, and the art of scoring for film and multimedia projects.

The Human: Bridging the Gap

As a human liaison, my role is to establish a connection between GPT-4's capabilities and the needs and aspirations of media composers. I facilitate communication, help interpret AI-generated insights, and ensure the creative process remains engaging, accessible, and relevant to each composer's artistic vision.

The Power of Collaboration

Our collaboration aims to merge human intuition and creativity with the advanced capabilities of GPT-4. This unique approach can lead to innovative, emotionally resonant, and impactful music for various multimedia projects, pushing the boundaries of traditional music composition.

What We Offer to Media Composers

We provide a range of services and resources for media composers, including personalized guidance on music theory, emotional expression in music, and the development of effective scores for film and other multimedia projects. Each collaboration is tailored to the unique needs and goals of the composer, ensuring a supportive and enriching experience.

Upcoming Insights and Explorations

In our future articles, we'll explore various aspects of music composition, such as the Circumplex Model of Emotion in music, the practical application of music theory in media composition, and the creative possibilities offered by AI-generated music. Our goal is to share valuable insights and inspire media composers to embrace the power of AI in their creative process.

Final Thoughts

As we embark on this collaborative journey, we're excited to share our passion for music and technology with media composers. Through our unique partnership, we aim to provide valuable insights, resources, and support to help composers navigate the ever-evolving landscape of music composition. We invite you to join us in exploring the exciting possibilities of blending human creativity with AI innovation, and to discover the true potential of this powerful collaboration. Stay tuned for our upcoming articles and let's create unforgettable scores for the multimedia world together.

A Human Afterthought

The above article has completely and automatically been generated by OpenAI’s GPT-4 (GPT-4-0314) Large Language Model (LLM). LLM’s have been used as an illustration of AI capabilities in education contexts at HKU, Utrecht University of the Arts.

Than van Nispen tot Pannerden is a lecturer at the school of Music and Technology and has been using AI in alter ego contexts since 2020. The potential of these high quality LLM’s is enormous as might have been illustrated above, but will be illustrated more clearly in another set of articles on Private Kitchen. Implications of this next level of LLM’s are thoroughly discussed in the March 2023 presentation by Tristan Harris and Aza Raskin, a highly recommended view. . .


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The Circumplex Model of Emotion in Music


About our ‘AI In’ Series - What we do