Matthijs Dierckx - How does your creative process start?


In this video, Matthijs Dierckx explains how he spends hours improvising on the piano creating the basic musical material for his game music. And he demonstrates the adaptive system he uses to implement his music into a game using Unity. Matthijs also discusses the pros and cons of being self-taught in the musical field.


In this Private Kitchen series our host Alexa Rodrigues visits Matthijs Dierckx “in the studio”. In a series of 4 interviews, we bring you short stories from his working place. Follow instagram for upcoming releases!

Director - João Rodrigues
Host - Alexa Rodrigues
Video - Nathalie de Jong
Editing - João Rodrigues
Audio mixing - Mass Audio

Producer - Rens Machielse
Producer - Sebastiaan Donders


More with Matthijs Dierckx


Bertus Pelser - Composer and sound designer


BMIM Special & AI Contest Award Handout - 5 june 2024