Aisling Brouwer and the score for Supergreed


In this video, Aisling Brouwer explains her approach to composing the music for the film Super Greed: the fight for football. She started by recording the sound of her younger brother shooting the ball against the goal post, net, etc. From there, she developed a concept for the film using a variety of post-its, newspaper clippings, etc. on the wall in her studio. You can see in this video how all this led to her final score!


Private Kitchen talked with Aisling Brouwer - Composer, producer & artist, working in London. We created a series of 6 video’s about her background and music compositions for film & TV like “Lioness”, “Savage waters” & “the Buccaneers”. Keep track of for all (upcoming) releases and follow us on instagram for the latest releases.


More with Aisling Brouwer


Jurrian Steman - Composer & Orchestrator