Huba De Graaff - Everything about Pulchachiajev, an opera about lying

Social media inspired Huba to create the opera Pulchachiajev, an opera with an unpronounceable title as Alexa shows in this part of the interview.
More with Huba de Graaff
An all female cast rock performance presents the work of the Persian poet and cinematographer Forugh Farrokhzad (1935 – 1967)
Despite corona Huba is full of new ideas and fascinations. In this last part of the interview she tells everything about her future projects.
Social media inspired Huba to create the opera Pulchachiajev, an opera with an unpronounceable title as Alexa shows in this part of the interview.
Another fascination of Huba is the voice so have a look at this part of the interview which is about the performance Pornopera and the use of the (female) voice.
Lautsprecher Arnolt, a performance with one actor and lots of ‘sound animals’, was an international success that was even performed in Teheran, Iran.
In this first part of the interview Huba tells us how she transforms her fascinations into ideas and concepts for music theatre performances.
Huba de Graaff is composer for theatre and takes an exceptional place in the landscape of contemporary music.