Salvador Breed - audio freak


Salvador Breed is featured in our in-depth interview together with Nick Verstand. You can watch the 4 video’s in our magazine “Music & Interactive Sound Art

Salvador Breed creates and sculpts sound and technology for a wide field of contexts like live performances, fashion shows, video art, and interactive art installations. He preoccupies himself with the way acoustics, natural ambiance, silence, and space enrich one another, using subtle means to expand our notions of listening, experiencing, and sensing. He could be considered a choreographer of sound, as well as a composer: he acts in ways that allow even the most discordant sounds to work together, heightening the significance of moments we deem fleeting.


More with Salvador Breed

Watch more media composers


Evelien van den Broek - Biophonica, a project about mass extinction


Nick Verstand - contemporary artist