Marnix Vinkenborg - Musician and theater maker

Composer, musician and theatre maker Marnix Vinkenborg (1997) has already produced a series of remarkable productions with his innovative working method. He completed his bachelor in electronic music composition and a master’s degree in music theatre with idiosyncratic visual projects.

In Pressure Cooker he radically tested the co-working process of artists by locking them up in a barrack. At Over Het IJ Festival he made Penthouse Pitch, a surrealistic plea for gentrification. With his alter-ego Martin Malibu, he makes music, performances and films, which have been shown at the Netherlands Film Festival, among others.

He takes inspiration from underground pop culture, current events and the emotions of himself and the people who work with him. With The Last Song of Eternity he creates an experimental theater piece that kicks against the beaten track. 

Marnix also makes music for other artists within the fields of film, fashion, theatre or other arts. Feel free to get in touch!


In this Private Kitchen series our host Alexa Rodrigues visits Marnix Vinkenborg “in the studio”. For a month, we bring you 3 short stories from his studio in Amsterdam. Follow instagram for upcoming releases!



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