Marnix Vinkenborg - Creative Process


Marnix’s creative process often starts with writing texts and creating sounds, using and remixing all kinds of material originating from popular culture, such as music, film, television and other types of media. In his project Penthouse Pitch for example, Marnix remixed a Tel Sell type of music often used by brokers in their videos to sell newly built penthouses in Amsterdam North. In this video, Marnix also ‘abuses’ his guitar in combination with ‘left-over guitar pedals’ to create his own sounds for his music and theater performances.


more about Marnix Vinkenborg



In this Private Kitchen series our host Alexa Rodrigues visits Marnix Vinkenborg “in the studio”. For a month, we bring you weekly a new short story from his studio in Amsterdam. Follow instagram for upcoming releases!

Director - João Rodrigues
Host - Alexa Rodrigues
Video & photography - Maja Silver
Editing - Nathalie de Jong & Maja Silver
Audio Mixing - Mass Audio

Producer - Rens Machielse
Producer - Sebastiaan Donders


Audio Brothers create VRT Radio 1 jingle package


Marnix Vinkenborg - Musician and theater maker