Joep Sporck - Composing trailer music for Disney’s Incredibles 2


Joep Sporck tells us in detail about the creation of his trailer music for Disney's The Incredibles 2. How did he deal with the original film music? How much time did he get to compose the music? Joep also shares a lot of insights into the trailer music industry in general: how to enter, what kind of briefings you can expect, the clichés, and much more.

interview host: Rens Machielse | editing: Sebastiaan Donders
trailer: © Disney/Pixar - “Incredibles 2” - director: Brad Bird



Listen & watch the entire Incredibles 2 Trailer

More with Joep Sporck

Private Kitchen talked with Film composer Joep Sporck and created a series of 5 video’s about his work on Incredibles 2, working in LA / Hollywood, his future ambitions and his participation within the ASCAP Film Scoring Workshop. Keep track of for all (upcoming) releases and follow us on instagram for the latest releases.


Dan Geesin - Filmmaker, musician, and fine artist


Joep Sporck - Film composer