Joep Sporck - The ASCAP Film Scoring Workshop


Joep Sporck discusses the ASCAP Film Scoring Workshop that he attended in 2019 in detail. It's a very popular workshop, open to only eight students at a time. It allows you to come into contact with all disciplines of the Hollywood industry. You're expected to score a scene in two weeks – no mock-ups, just compose and orchestrate music for an orchestra. And you'll have to conduct that yourself. It's a great experience that can shape the career of a film composer.



More with Joep Sporck

Private Kitchen talked with Film composer Joep Sporck and created a series of 5 video’s about his work on Incredibles 2, working in LA / Hollywood, his future ambitions and his participation within the ASCAP Film Scoring Workshop. Keep track of for all (upcoming) releases and follow us on instagram for the latest releases.


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