Dan Geesin - The music of Retrospekt


Dan tells us everything about the creative process of composing the music for the film Retrospekt. He also talks about the recording studio, Jan Schenk's studio, which is largely analog. And you can see and listen to scenes from the movie with this opera-oriented music.


View the trailer of “Retrospekt“


More with Dan Geesin


In this Private Kitchen series our host Alexa Rodrigues visits Dan Geesin “in the studio”. For a month, we bring you weekly a new short story from the studio in Amsterdam. Follow instagram for upcoming releases!

Director - João Rodrigues
Host - Alexa Rodrigues
Video & bio photography - Maja Silver
Editing - Nathalie de Jong & Maja Silver
Audio Mixing - Mass Audio

Producer - Rens Machielse
Producer - Sebastiaan Donders


Hamburg Summerschool - Women in Audio


Joep Sporck - The ASCAP Film Scoring Workshop