Dan Geesin - Film, music, or sound: it's all about storytelling


Starting with sound recordings for his first short films and actually making short films himself, Dan began using props and locations as possible sources of sound and music. It also led to a particular kind of collaboration ('working in parallel') with film director Esther Rots. And do you want to know how to turn a toilet bowl into a xylophone? Dan shows us how!


More with Dan Geesin


In this Private Kitchen series our host Alexa Rodrigues visits Dan Geesin “in the studio”. For a month, we bring you weekly a new short story from the studio in Amsterdam. Follow instagram for upcoming releases!

Director - João Rodrigues
Host - Alexa Rodrigues
Video & bio photography - Maja Silver
Editing - Nathalie de Jong & Maja Silver
Audio Mixing - Mass Audio

Producer - Rens Machielse
Producer - Sebastiaan Donders


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