Anatomy of a Cue #2: Ivo Witteveen - New York Room, Mondriaanhuis


In this second edition, composer Ivo Witteveen talks about his piece ‘I Paint Modern’, written for the New York Room video installation in the Mondriaanhuis, Amersfoort. Watch Ivo talk about sources of inspiration, developing ideas to a larger piece and working with two Diskklaviers. The video also offers a sneak peek into the creative discussions behind the making of the installation, explaining why there are two different endings to the piece. Upcoming editions later this year will feature music by Guido Heeneman and Matthijs Kieboom.


Anatomy of a Cue

Composing media music is about making things. In the Anatomy of a Cue series, composers show how they do it. Focusing on just one piece (the cue) these in-depth videos dissect the music in detail: what's in there? Where did it come from? What was the creative process like - and what's that weird sound in the background?

Mondriaanhuis Amersfoort -

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Created by: Ivo Witteveen
Editing: Sebastiaan Donders
Producer: Rens Machielse

More with Ivo Witteveen


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