Watch the previous releases:

In this Private Kitchen series our host Alexa Rodrigues visits Loek Dikker “in the studio”. In a series of 6 interviews, we bring you each time a new short story from his working place.

Previous releases

AI in Music brings you insights in the development of artificial intelligence within the music industry. In our ‘AI in’ series, Private Kitchen will provide you with articles which are written by AI, providing examples on how AI is or can be used in sharing information.


On 28 june, the School of Arts HKU partnered with Private Kitchen for a symposium on the use of Artificial Intelligence in Music. We are currently working on a video report of that day, continue reading for the program we presented at the HKU on Exposure day!

Private Kitchen talked with André Ettema, Composer, synthesizer programmer and Chief Soloist at The Solos, a company creating music for the American & European movie trailer industry.



Private Kitchen is an online platform by and about Dutch media composers.

We serve you a mix of pleasant guests at the table, ‘around the scene’ video’s & feeds, and facts & fun about how composers work and how they develop(ed) a career within their media disciplines. They share their experiences, insights and tips & tricks about walking the path from an idea to a final composition, the production and music release for media.

In our first season we brought you Private Kitchen Magazine: magazines as an introduction into 5 different working environments in which talented media composers operate: film, identity, games, interactive art and theatre.

This season we provide you with a continous platform: we frequently publish stories, video’s, news and editorials about what’s happening in the creative environment of dutch media composers.